Cody Silvester

Girls Varsity/ Masters Coach

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Coming from California, Cody has coached and participated in multiple high level water sports

since he was in grade school. At 16, Cody coached his outrigger paddling team to an

undefeated season and a National Championship, and over the years, he went on to win more

than 10 US championships , was a world champion in the junior singles division for long

distance OC-1, and a national champion in Dragon Boat.

While still balancing his love for outrigger and other water sports, Cody tried rowing when he

entered high school where he successfully competed for all four years. This love transitioned

into coaching, which has been his passion ever since.

high-levelIn the last 10 years, he has coached at every level of the sport, including novice, junior high,

varsity high school, masters, and college. For the last 4 years, Cody coached at the Newport

Aquatic Center, Newport Beach, CA. There, he held the position of Head Middle School coach,

Head Novice coach and Lead Varsity assistant coaching lightweights and the junior varsity crew

where they won 4 regional championships and placed 5th at youth nationals.

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